A bug of Ambari's move namenode action

Ambari supports moving namenode from one host to another in an action of HDFS service. You can do it by selecting HDFS -> Service Actions -> Move NameNode. It’s really convenient compare to do all the work step by step manually.

My hdfs service deployed HA. Two namenodes are H1 and H2. I set the configure to move namenode on H1 to H3.

In the step Configure Component of MOVE MASTER WIZARD, I came across Start NameNode failed. Retry is no use and I have to terminate the move namenode action. The result is that all services on Ambari halted.

I had to fix the inconsistent configures and do left actions manually, basic steps are:

  1. fix the wrong host substitution of namenode in hdfs-site.xml
  2. run hdfs zkfc -formatZK on H2
  3. run hdfs namenode -bootstrapStandby on H3

I recorded the details and submit an issue to Ambari: Update wrong namenode config when moving namenode