Some Problems and Resolutions about Using kafka-python

I’ve been using kafka-python for several weeks. I came across some problems and tryed to fix them. I recorded all of them here.

Version info:

program version
kafka 0.9
kafka-python 1.3.1
python 2.7

Unassigned partition

Got the below error log when using KafkaConsumer and try to seek offset

AssertionError: Unassigned partition

I’ve posted my answer on stackoverflow AssertionError: Unassigned partition

Get messages from broker unstable

When I trying to consume messages from brokers concurrently, I found it’s unstable. Sometimes I can get back enough messages and sometimes not, even though there a large lag of the consume group.

I’s caused by the following two reasons.

  1. The consume thread number is bigger than the partition number. At the same time, there is just one thread can consume a partition of the same (topic, group).
  2. The parameter consume_timeout_ms is too small. If you set a small value of this parameter and it’s not enough to wait to get the partition, it may exit the for msg in consumer iteration.

Kafka is always rebalancing

The effect of rebalance

Rebalancing is the process where a group of consumer instances (belonging to the same group) co-ordinate to own a mutually exclusive set of partitions of topics that the group is subscribed to. At the end of a successful rebalance operation for a consumer group, every partition for all subscribed topics will be owned by a single consumer instance within the group. The way rebalancing works is as follows. Every broker is elected as the coordinator for a subset of the consumer groups. The co-ordinator broker for a group is responsible for orchestrating a rebalance operation on consumer group membership changes or partition changes for the subscribed topics. It is also responsible for communicating the resulting partition ownership configuration to all consumers of the group undergoing a rebalance operation.

And so

When a new consumer joins a consumer group the set of consumers attempt to “rebalance” the load to assign partitions to each consumer. If the set of consumers changes while this assignment is taking place the rebalance will fail and retry.

In my environment, it’s always rebalancing because of my incorrect use of group with topic. I used the same group_id consume another topic in another program. Which make the set of consumers for the group_id always changing. I set it to a different group_id and the always rebalancing problem disappeared.

Refer: What exactly IS Kafka Rebalancing?

Offset not commited automatically

When I use the consumer like the demo

for msg in consumer:

I monitored the consume offset by Kafka Manager and found sometimes the offset is not commited even messages consumed. I test the code in ipython and it’s OK.

Actually the offset is commited async with a interval 5000 ms. If the consumer instance is freed before commit, the offset is lost. So I add consumer.commit() explicitly and the offset in Kafka Manager became normal.

for msg in consumer:

Too many open files

After my consume program running several days, it complained the folloing error

ERROR: 2016-08-16 09:11:07,053: Get message from kafka failed: [Errno 24] Too many open files

This problem’s reason it’s obvious and it became OK after adding consumer.close()

for msg in consumer:

Fetch to node failed because of ConnectionError

After add consumer.close() it complained

ERROR: 2016-08-17 15:55:42,092: Fetch to node 1001 failed: ConnectionError: <BrokerConnection host=hostname_01/ip_address_01 port=9092>

I can’t google any information about this problem. So I read the source code and locate the reason by traceback. I write all in detail here: Help: Fetch to node failed because of ConnectionError.