Questions about Logistic Regression in 'Machine Learning in Action' and Full Explanation

1. The symbols mean of the gradient function?

\[\Delta f(x,y) = \begin{pmatrix} \frac {\partial f(x,y)}{\partial x} \\ \frac {\partial f(x,y)}{\partial y} \end{pmatrix}\]

  1. We must recall the meaning of Derivative and Partial derivative
  2. y in the above equation is also an input
  3. So this gradient means that we’ll move in the x direction by amount \(\frac {\partial f(x,y)}{\partial x}\) and in the y direction by amount \(\frac {\partial f(x,y)}{\partial y}\).

2. Use gradient ascent to find the maximum value of what?

As we know

Gradient ascent is based on the idea that if we want to find the maximum point on a function, then the best way to move is in the direction of the gradient.

But, which function’s maximum value to find? The answer is maximum likelihood estimation. And we must first understand the difference between likelihood and probability.

When we find the maximum likelihood estimation, we get the best fit line.

3. Use gradient descent to find the minimum value of what?

We can see a lot of pages that use gradient descent to calculate logistic regression. gradient descent is used to find the minimun value of loss function or cost function.

If we find the minimum value of loss function, we also get the best fit line.

Here is a great page Gradient Descent Derivation described gradient descent and loss function in detail.

We can get a loss function by multiple the MLE function with a negative value.

4. The symbols mean of the gradient ascent algorithm?

\[\omega := \omega + \alpha\Delta_{\omega}f(\omega)\]

  1. MLE (Maximun Likelihood Estimation) is a function which takes the original functions weights as parameters. \(\omega\) is the parameter vector to calculate MLE here.
  2. \(\Delta_{\omega}f(\omega)\) coresponding to \(\frac {\partial f(\omega)}{\partial {\omega}}\)

5. How can we get the weights’ iteration code?

weights = weights + alpha * dataMatrix.transpose()* error

Let’s begin with the sigmoid function equation

\[g(Z) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-Z}} \qquad (1)\]

Construct a linear hypothesis function

\[Z = \theta _0 + \theta _1 x _1 + ... + \theta _n x _n = \sum _{i=0} ^{n} \theta _i x _i = \theta ^{T}x \qquad (2)\]


\[h_{\theta}(x) = g(\theta ^{T}x) = \frac {1}{1+e^{-\theta^T x}} \qquad (3)\]

If we use \(h_{\theta}(x)\) represent the probability of result equals 1, then

\[P \left(y=1|x;\theta \right) = h_{\theta}(x) \\ \qquad\qquad\quad P \left(y=0|x;\theta \right) = 1 - h_{\theta}(x) \qquad (4)\]

Equation (4) can be concluded to

\[P \left(y|x;\theta \right) = \left(h _\theta(x) \right)^y \left(1 - h _\theta(x) \right)^{1-y} \qquad (5)\]

So we can get the likelihood function

\[L(\theta) = \prod _{i=1} ^m P \left( y^{(i)} | x^{(i)}; \theta \right) = \prod _{i=1} ^m \left( h _\theta (x^{(i)}) \right) ^{y^{(i)}} \left( 1 - h _\theta (x^{(i)}) \right) ^{1 - y^{(i)}} \qquad (6)\]

Get the log likelihood function

\[l(\theta) = log \, L(\theta) = \sum _{i=1} ^m \left( y ^{(i)} log \, h _\theta (x^{(i)}) + (1 - y^{(i)}) log (1 - h _\theta (x^{(i)})) \right) \qquad (7)\]

Use gradient ascent to get the maximum value, the iteration is

\[\theta _j := \theta _j + \alpha \frac {\partial}{\partial \theta _j} l(\theta) \qquad (8)\]

Refer to The derivative of \(log_ax\), we can get

\[\frac {\partial}{\partial \theta _j} l(\theta) = \sum _{i=1} ^m \left( y ^{(i)} \frac {1}{h _\theta (x^{(i)})} \frac {\partial}{\partial \theta _j} h _\theta (x^{(i)}) - (1 - y^{(i)}) \frac {1}{1 - h _\theta (x^{(i)})} \frac {\partial}{\partial \theta _j} h _\theta (x^{(i)}) \right) \\ = \sum _{i=1} ^m \left( y ^{(i)} \frac {1}{g (\theta ^T x^{(i)})} - (1 - y^{(i)}) \frac {1}{1 - g (\theta ^T x^{(i)})} \right) \frac {\partial}{\partial \theta _j} g (\theta ^T x^{(i)}) \qquad (9)\]

Refer to The derivative of \(e^x\), we can infer

\[f(x) = \frac {1}{1 + e ^{g(x)}} \\ \frac {\partial}{\partial x}f(x) = \frac {1}{(1 + e ^{g(x)})^2} e ^{g(x)} \frac {\partial}{\partial x}g(x) \\ = \frac {1}{1 + e ^{g(x)}} \frac {e ^{g(x)}}{1 + e ^{g(x)}} \frac {\partial}{\partial x}g(x) \\ = f(x)(1-f(x)) \frac {\partial}{\partial x}g(x) \qquad (10)\]

By equation (10), (9) can be infered to

\[\frac {\partial}{\partial \theta _j} l(\theta) = \sum _{i=1} ^m \left( y ^{(i)} \frac {1}{g (\theta ^T x^{(i)})} - (1 - y^{(i)}) \frac {1}{1 - g (\theta ^T x^{(i)})} \right) g (\theta ^T x^{(i)}) (1 - g (\theta ^T x^{(i)})) \frac {\partial}{\partial \theta _j} \theta ^T x^{(i)} \\ = \sum _{i=1} ^m \left( y ^{(i)} (1 - g (\theta ^T x^{(i)})) - (1 - y^{(i)}) g (\theta ^T x^{(i)}) \right) x _j ^{(i)} \\ = \sum _{i=1} ^m \left( y ^{(i)} - g (\theta ^T x^{(i)}) \right) x _j ^{(i)} \\ = \sum _{i=1} ^m \left( y ^{(i)} - h _ \theta (x^{(i)}) \right) x _j ^{(i)} \qquad (11)\]

Combine equation (8) and (11), and vectorize it, we can get the weights’ iteration code.

Here is a refer for the infer process: Logistic回归总结