A Methodology for Evaluating or Selecting Solutions

I am tired of thinking about how to evaluate or select a proper solution. What I need is a methodology. Below is my idea, and I’ve applied it several times, it’s not bad.


  1. define features, such as
    • functionality
    • performance
    • ease of use
    • ease of operation
    • scalability
    • relation with current product/platform
    • potential (popularity + community + …)
  2. give a weight between [1-10] for each feature i, mark as w(i)
    • the weight value should be adjusted based on the real environment
  3. give a score between [1-10] for each feature in each solution, mark as s(ij)
    • I don’t have a standard for score assignment
  4. calculate sum(s(ij) * w(i)) for each solution and compare